

Turning to the EFDR

If my project involves infrastructures or other material investments, I can turn to the ERDF.

  • Concerning the 2014-2020 programme, the 14-20 ERDF budget for the Saint-Martin area is now exhausted, except React-U credits. Concerning the 2014-2020 programme, transports projects were funded in accordance with lines 09 “promote innovation, company competitiveness at the service of economic development and employment” and 10 “reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in the sector of transports”.
  • Concerning the 201-2027 programme, the new possibilities for funding will be published on this page once programmes are approved (during the first three months of 2022). You can already fill in a form and a letter of intent in relation to the 21-27 ERDF funding in order to tell the department what your needs are and to make your expenses eligible should you wish to start your project before you pass before the commission (before your project is approved).

Turning to the React-EU

REACT-EU is a contribution to ERDF and ESF budgets aiming at minimising the economic consequences of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.

Turning to the INTERREG Caribbean programme

If my project involves cooperation and covers various Caribbean areas, the INTERREG Caribbean programme can be a source of funding. The INTERREG Caribbean programme must include at least one partner within the project presented. Two types of partnership are taken into consideration:

  • a cross-border dimension concerning project promoters located in Guadeloupe or Martinique only together with a partner from the OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States);
  • a cross-border dimension concerns project promoters located in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique or Saint- Martin only together with a partner from the Greater Caribbean.

Regarding the 2014-2020 programme, transports projects can be funded in accordance with the following lines: 

Lines 1 (TF) and 2 (TN): strengthen competitiveness between Caribbean companies, which generate wealth and jobs, in a sustainable and inclusive fashion.

Specific goal 2 (TF) and 4 (TN): create an environment favouring the development of a business wave between the various areas of the region.

Concerning the 2021-2027 programme, details will be updated as soon as the new programme is published.