2014 - 2020

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Total amount : 13 500 000,00€
Grant amount : 5 276 237,34€

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Thematic : Climate, environment, energy transition

Installations of the former water treatment plant in Quartier d’Orléans were dilapidated and their treatment capacities were very insufficient in light of the volume of pollution to treat. This plant caused large problems to neighbours, harmful to the environment.

Therefore, the EEASM decided to start works to build a new water treatment plant which would enable to treat effluents from the district.

With an 18,000 EH total capacity, the new water treatment plant now enables the Collectivité de Saint Martin to comply with European directive of 21 May 1991 on water treatment, featured in law 2006-1772 of 30 December 2006 entitled “law on water and aquatic environments”, and to fully work to the sustainable and controlled development of urbanisation within its limits, considering the constant and sustained evolution of its population and the unprecedented urban expansion the past few years.

For this operation the total amount of which is: € 13,500,000.00, the Établissement des Eaux de Saint-Martin received: 

a € 5,276,237.34 EFDR subsidy,

a € 3,000,000 subsidy from the Office national de l’eau et des milieux aquatiques [National Office for Water and Aquatic Environments],

a € 1,773,762.66State subsidy,

a € 1,450,000.00subvention from the Collectivité de Saint-Martin,

Self-financing for € 2,000,000.00


October 2016
July 2021


Quartier d'Orléans

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