FEAMP 2014-2020
Fond Européen de Développement Régional
What is the EMFF?
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund is the financial instrument of the common fisheries policy. It comes as an answer to two European objectives:
- to favour common fisheries policy implementation;
- to support integrated maritime policy development.
The EMFF is involved in various priorities:
- to encourage sustainable, innovating and competitive fisheries,
- to encourage sustainable, innovating and competitive aquaculture,
- to encourage common fisheries policy implementation,
- to improve employment and strengthen territorial cohesion,
- to encourage the commercialisation and transformation of fisheries and aquaculture products,
- to encourage integrated maritime policy implementation.
2014-2020 EMFF national programme
The EMFF in figures
Equipped with 6.4 billion euros for 2014-2020 at European scale, the EMFF is involved in co-financing national projects. France gets a 588 million European credit budget (out of the total 6.4 billion euros at European scale), to which 186 million national and regional credits are added.
The leverage effect is significant: indeed, €1 national credits allows for €3 European credits to be rallied.
During the 2014-2020 period, 0.769 millions euros were dedicated to the EMFF in Saint-Martin.
In the 2014-2020 EMFF programme in Saint-Martin, 27 applications were investigated by the TU MD, investigation service of the Saint-Martin EMFF, for a planned amount of approximately € 310,000. Among those, 21 applications were paid for an approximate total of € 195,000.
Results for the Saint-Martin EMFF programme as of 31/12/2021:
(14-20EMFF graphic results)
Most submitted applications concerned a measure specific to ORs: measure no. 70 in the compensatory plan for fisheries and aquaculture additional costs.
EMFF governance
In France, during the 2014-220 period, the managing authority of the operational EMFF programme was the Directorate for fisheries and aquaculture (DPMA) of the ministry in charge of agriculture.
The concrete implementation of measures is the responsibility of appointed intermediary structures, viz. Coastal Regional Councils for a series of local measures to assist business investments and the Maritime Interregional Directorate (DIRM and Maritime Directorates (DM) overseas) and FranceAgriMer, for national measures.
In Saint-Martin, the Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélémy Territorial Unit of the Guadeloupe Maritime Directorate is the EMFF’s examining service.
EMFF orientations (measures)
The EMFF’s operational programme in Saint-Martin focuses on seven measures
Measure 31:
This measure must allow for the renewal and development of the fishing fleet in Saint-Martin – moreover, it matches with an ESF measure.
Measure 41.1.a:
The fishing fleet of this district will strongly need to be modernised these next few years, specifically due to outboard motorisation.
Measure 42:
Organising 2 new landing sites (whose completion has been programmed for the 2014/2020 ERDF) into secondary equipment in order to favour direct sale.
Measure 43.2:
Supported necessity to reorganise one of the existing ports / shelters used by Saint-Martin fishermen to concentrate services (ice, fuel…) there, thus attracting as many ships as possible there.
Measure 48.1.a, b, c, d, f, g and h:
Despite some assets to host this activity, there are no aquaculture farmer in Saint-Martin today and it is the district’s intention to develop this activity after a planning document and the local outlines for aquaculture have been elaborated.
Measures 62, 63 and 64: Creating and leading an association for local fisheries and aquaculture (or GALPA), whose purpose is to organise the branch and support regional cooperation actions, particularly about Anguilla.
Measure 70: The compensatory plan for additional costs must allow the development of companies of the fisheries and aquaculture branch to in ORs equivalent to that of mainland France.
Lifecycle of an EMFF project
Apply for EMFF subsidies
The standard application for subsidies is available here (Cerfa no. 15508*01 application for subsidies, then cerfa no. 15597*02 request for payment):
Should you have any question, please get in touch with the service in charge of examining applications of the Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélémy Territorial Unit of the Guadeloupe Maritime Directorate.
To find out whether or not you are eligible to EMFF aid, you should start by asking yourself a few questions:
Matching your project’s goals with the programme’s priorities
- What is your project’s objective?
- What needs does it address?
- What will its results be?
- For which audience?
- Where does your project take place?
- Does your project address the objectives of one of the EMFF operational programme’s measures?
- Can it meet the selection criteria of the measure in question?
- You should specify the strategic dimension of your project.
Implementation modalities of your project
- What does your project contains? When will it be completed? How long will your project last? You should specify the time dimension of your project. The project should not be materially completed or entirely implemented as of the date your application for European subsidies is submitted.
Means you must implement and measures you must take to make your project successful
- What (human and material) means are necessary to complete your project?
- What are your project’s various components?
- What are the various steps and actions of your project?
- You should specify the practical dimension of your project.
From conception to estimated expenses
Once you have answered all of these questions concerning your project, you will have to estimate your project’s expenses and prepare a finance budget.
Conditions for eligibility for measure no. 70:
– you must have paid all of your fiscal, social and professional contributions,
– you must have registered to the Companies House,
– you must provide all your log sheets to the MD every month,
The aid is granted for the matching fishing period, based on your log sheets approved by the MD and paid invoices (or any other supporting element) submitted by the beneficiary.
The managing authority proposed those regions most reactive in examining applications under measure no. 70 (Saint-Martin being one of them) to plan them over the 1st semester of 2022.
Information for project promoters
- National guide for EMFF project promoters
- Elements eligible to EMFF subsidies as part of the 2014-2020 programme
All operators are excluded from the EMFF aid scheme:
– when they commit a gross breach of fishing regulations or CFP rules,
– or when they are involved in exploiting, managing or owning fishing boats featured on the Union’s IUU vessel list or boats flying the flag of countries recognised as non-cooperating third countries,
– or when, concerning aquaculture measures, they commit other breaches as specified in the European directive on environmental protection by criminal law,
– or when they commit fraud in the sense of the convention for the protection of the European Communities’ financial interests as part of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) or the EMFF.
The beneficiary must keep abiding by these conditions for five years from the last payment received.
Some operations are ineligible by nature:
Those increasing a boat’s fishing capacity, the building or import of new fishing boats, cessation of fishing activities outside measures no. 33 and 34, transfers of ownership of a company, direct restocking, unless a Union legal act explicitly provides so as a conservation measure or in the instance of experimental restocking.
The EMFF provides additional financial support to national credits already rallied. Its rates of assistance is specified in the operational programme (75% of the authorised public aid intensity, i.e. 50% generally speaking).
Information for beneficiaries
- Communication guide for advertising duties
- Preferred interlocutor in Saint-Martin: Sofia ROCKOMANOVIC sofia.rockomanovic@developpement-durable.gouv.fr
- National guide for EMFF project promoters
- Cerfa n°15597*03 claim for payment form and its notice